Season Four-Episode One
We start off with a recap to the tune of 'Shook Me All Night Long' by AC/DC and within seconds of that we witness flashes of Dean in what looks to be hell. Dean is buried god knows where, with nothing but a lighter. He eventually breaks through his coffin and the ground above him to find himself surrounded by stakes or tree logs or something of some ritual.
He gets up and walks to a deserted gas station. There he gets water and food (and has himself a look at a 'Busty Asian Beauties' magazine..). Dean looks into a mirror and has flash backs of hell and his shredded body. He lifts up his shirt and there are no marks at all., except on his shoulder where a hand print has been burnt into his skin. All of a sudden a TV becomes static and a high-pitched deafening noise is heard which shatters all glass around. Once it has stopped he goes outside to a phone booth and tries to ring Sam, but his phone is disengaged, so Dean rings Bobby. When Bobby answers and Dean tells Bobby his name, Bobby doesn't believe it's Dean. Deans tries several times but can't get through to Bobby.
Dean then turns up at Bobby's house, where Bobby tries to kill Dean, still not believing he is alive. Eventually, after Dean cuts himself purposely with a silver knife, it seems Bobby believes Dean. (Until they're talking and Bobby suddenly splashes Dean with holy water!) After that it's pretty obvious Dean is who he says he is.
Bobby and Dean talk about what's going on. Going by the alcohol around Bobby's place you can tell it's been a hard 4 months since Dean died. Bobby tells Dean that since his death he hasn't heard from Sam. Sam just kinda of went off on his own. Very quiet and different. Dean gets the GPS on Sam's phone turned on and they track him down. Pontiac, Illinois. The same place where Dean had just risen from the grave.
Together they travel back to Pontiac to a hotel where Sam is with a girl, Kristy. When Sam sees Dean he assumes that it isn't the real Dean, and like Bobby, he tries to kill him. Bobby explains it's the real Dean, and then the brothers hug. (AWW!)
Sam tells Kristy that Dean is his brother, and then shows her out. Once she's gone Dean and Bobby accuse Sam of bringing Dean back from the dead. Sam denies having anything to do with it. He says he tried everything he could. He tried opening the gates of hell, he tried bargaining but no demon would deal. He wished it was him who brought Dean back, but it wasn't him. Dean believes him and they sit down to talk.
Sam apologises to Bobby for not keep in contact saying that he was pretty messed up, just as Dean picks a bra up from the couch (lol!) Sam had been chasing down demons and they led him to Pontiac, and it just happened to be at the same time Dean got out. Sam then returns to Dean his amulet. (It's so sweet!!) Dean goes to the bathroom, and while looking into the mirror he again has flashbacks of hell.
The boys are left with many questions, so Bobby says he'll take them to see a psychic friend of his. As Sam and Dean get into the car, Dean notices that there is an iPod jack in his stereo. Once he starts the car and Sams music starts playing, he picks up Sam’s iPod and throws it in the back seat.
On the way to see this psychic Sam and Dean talk about what happened the night Dean died. How Lilith blasted Sam with this burning light, but nothing happened. Dean asks about Ruby, and Sam says he guesses she's dead or at least for now. He then asks if Sam has been using his 'freaky ESP stuff', but Sam says no, saying that it was basically Deans dying wish that he didn't use them and so that's what he did.
Bobby and the boys turn up at the psychic's house. Pamela Barnes. She knows about Dean and thinks their next move is to perform a séance. After a bit of flirting between Dean and Pamela, they start the séance. A little way through the séance a TV switches on to nothing but static and the exact same thing happens now as what happened at the gas station with Dean. Pamela says a name, Castiel. Soon everything starts shaking and then Pamelas eyes burst and bleed. She collapses to the ground, completely blind.
It's a new day and Sam and Dean are at 'Johnny Mac's Diner' talking about the night before. Sam hangs up his phone just as Dean finishes ordering. Pamela is alive and out of ICU, but blind. Dean says they do know one thing, Castiel. With the right 'mumbo-jumbo' they can summon him and bring him to them. Sam says it's a bad idea. Pamela had taken one look at the thing and her eyes burned right out of her skull. Sam had tracked some demons in town. He thinks they should hunt them down, 'someone's gotta know something about something'. Then the waitress gives them their food and sits down at the table. The boys asks what's she's looking for, then she says 'sorry, I thought you were looking for us', then her eyes turn black. Everyone one else in the diner stands up, showing their black, demon eyes also. The demon waitress asks questions as to how Dean got out, but he doesn't know. The demon threatens Dean, but then Dean turns the tables saying that someone big, higher up than her wanted Dean out. That it would be stupid to try and kill him because obviously someone wanted Dean alive and if he were to die, then someone would come after her. Then Sam and Dean get up and just leave.
Sam thinks they should go back in and kill them, but Dean says it's a bad idea and that there could be more of them. Sam tells Dean that he's been hunting a lot of demons lately, to which Dean replies 'well not anymore, the smarter brother is back in town'.
That night, back at the hotel, Dean is asleep, but Sam gets up and leaves.
Then Dean is alone, and the TV turns on, static again. He gets up, notices Sam is gone, then that high-pitched noise is back. It shatters the mirrors everywhere. Glass is crashing all around him, his ears start to bleed, and then Bobby busts into the room. They leave the room and get in the car. Dean rings Sam and asks where he is. Sam says he's gone out to get a burger, then we see that he's sitting in the car, outside the diner. Dean says that Bobby is back and that they're going out for a beer. Bobby looks across to Dean, knowing well that they aren't going out for a beer. Bobby asks why Dean lied to Sam and Dean says that Sam tried to stop them from summoning this thing (Castiel). Dean tries explaining to Bobby that this is what they have to do. Bobby says that they could use Sams help with this, but Dean says that Sam is better off where he is.
Sam is now walking into the diner. While inside he sees a person lying dead on the floor, eyes bleeding. Then a demon attacks him. The female waitress. They fight and then Sam sees that her eyes have been burnt out of her skull, but she’s still alive. She says that she saw it, the thing that dragged Dean out of hell. She says she saw the end, that they're all going to die. Sam asks what was it, but all she responds with is 'go to hell'. Then Sam just stands there, reaches his hand out, pointing towards this demon, and suddenly it's like this demon is vomiting. Vomiting itself from the human body. The demon gets send back to hell, and the female body collapses, unfortunately dead.
Then Kristy walks in, saying that Sam is getting better. Sam then says 'what the hell is going on around here, Ruby?' (OMG!! haha! AWESOME right??) Ruby says she doesn't know. But no demon could drag someone outta hell and back into their body. No demon can do what's going on. Not Lilith, nothing she's ever seen before.
Then we're back with Dean and Bobby in some empty warehouse place. Bobby is drawing symbols on the ground while Dean prepares a whole lot of weapons. Then Bobby begins the summoning ritual.
Back at the diner Ruby asks Sam if he's going to tell Dean about what he can do. Sam said no. He wants to, he's just not sure of how too. He's not sure if what he's doing is right. He doesn't know if he can trust Ruby. All he knows is that he's saving people and killing demons and that it feels good. So he's going to keep doing what he's doing.
Then at the warehouse nothing is happening, and Dean asks if Bobby did the summoning ritual right. Then all of a sudden there is like a very strong wind outside. Then a man comes walking in. They try to shoot the man, but nothing works. Dean picks up a knife and asks the man who he is. The man tells Dean he is the one who grabbed him. Dean says 'thanks for that' then stabs him. But nothing happens. He just grabs the knife out of his chest and grabs hold of Bobby and Bobby collapses. Dean checks to see if Bobby is alive, and the man says that he's still alive. Dean asks who he is, and he says his name is Castiel. Dean says he figured that much, he means what is he. Castiel says he is an angel of the Lord. Dean says he doesn't believe him, that there's no such thing. Castiel replies that that's Deans problem, he doesn't have faith. Then something like lightening flashes and in the light you can see these wing shadows on the roof, coming out of Castiels shadow. Dean asks him what kind of an angel he is? He did burn out the eyes of an innocent woman after all. Castiel says that he warned her not too look at his true self, that it can be overwhelming to some, but Dean already knew that. Deans makes the connection that it was him at the gas station and hotel. The high-pitched noise was Castiel talking to Dean, but only certain people can hear what he's saying, and obviously Dean wasn't one of them. Castiel says that he's actually possessing a man at the moment, a devout man who prayed for it to happen. Dean still doesn't believe Castiel is who he says he is. Dean doesn't know why an angel would want rescue him from hell. Castiel says that good things do happen, but Dean says not in his experience. Castiel then says Dean thinks he doesn't think he deserves to be saved. Dean asks why he did it and Castiel replies 'because God commanded it.. Because we have work for you'..
..one of the benefits of youtube!
Aired Monday October 6, 2008