Earlier this week I decided to pack my bags and temporarily escape from the clutches of reality. Monday my mum rang up my Grandma, and on Tuesday I was off to spend the week at their place. It has been quite some time since I last stayed there. Swimming used to get in the way and I could never get any time off. I suppose it must have been 4ish years since my last mini holiday with my grandparents. I felt it would be a good idea if I stayed with them for a week. Personally, I felt it would do me some good, get away from all the hassle of home and school and 'normality', and revisit my much loved childhood. Also, I felt it would be good for my grandparents. I figured they would appreciate me coming around to stay, like the good ol' days! Plus, Grandpa hasn't been well lately, and overall I just wanted to re-establish the relationship I had with them. Not that anything had actually changed as such, but I just felt different and weird and wanted to prove to myself that life was still all okay.Anyways, I had a pretty good time! Ate SO much! I guess that's what Grandmas do; feed you and feed you, and just when you think you can't handle anymore, they feed you again! But then again, Grandmas are usually great cooks! I know mine is! I went swimming on Wednesday morning with Grandma. The water aerobics class!! If you think that's easy, think again! I have realised just how unflexible I am, which is quite depressing, lol. We both went to check out some nursing home too. And before you get all 'typical..' on me, we went there because Grandma volunteers there and they just did renovations and the volunteers were there to check everything out! It's the same company or whatever that my mum works at, just a different location. After that we went to Lilydale. We went inside the shops and Grandma is like 'would you like anything? Any clothes or something?' And I just feel bad making people buy me stuff, so I said no. Then she walks into Millers and is like 'want anything? See anything you like?' I just said, 'Grandma, the resident's cupboards at my mums work are full of clothes from here!' lol. Then we left to go home. But before we made it out of the car park I remembered a photo I had taken the night before. In my room, on the table behind my bed, there is a lamp that I was using for reading. But behind the lamp were three dolls. I got out of bed to get my iPod, and when I turned to get back in bed, I had these three dolls staring at me with scary shadows from the lamp! As if dolls aren't scary enough during the day! And anyone that knows me would know that I'm scared of dolls (and clowns). So, naturally, I took a photo to prove this horrible image I saw to everyone. And while in the car I showed this picture to Grandma, she thinks I'm nuts! But from then on, after I had shown Grandpa too, every time something happened, we blamed it on the dolls!I did a lot of homework too, which totally sucked. Homework is unfair! I eventually got all my literature stuff done, that was a total nightmare!I also played a lot of JezzBall, Mahjong, Chip's Challenge, and Spider Solitaire! The highest score on Spider Solitare was 1200, with 100 moves. Then I have a shot and I take over with 1202, with 98 moves! Not bad, hey?! Give Grandma something to beat!Grandma and I were also picking tammerella's(?) from the Tammerella(?) tree in the backyard. I've never tried them, don't think I'd like them either. But spent some time out in the garden. The weather was beautiful! The sun was shining, no clouds in the sky, and if there were clouds they were white, fluffy ones! Then of course, the weather turned shit towards Friday.Friday morning I went to church. It was a mass for the sick where the Priest does the whole anointing of the sick. There were four people there, five including the priest. Me, my grandparents and some other lady. It was... different. An intimate little prayer session. Then Saturday night I went to church again with Grandma. Grandpa wasn't feeling well so he stayed home. I'm Catholic and all, but I don't care much for church and anything religious. Some people might really get something from it, but it does nothing for me. One afternoon while the sun was out, I was sitting out the front of my grandparents place, on a little bricked area near the front door, and I was talking to Grandma (I had interrupted her gardening, but she came and sat with me.) Then she went to garden some more, and Grandpa came to sit with me. And he's religious. Not all like preachy religious, but religion means a lot to him. And he was telling me that as he's gotten older, and as he realises that he doesn't have too long left, that the most important relationship he has is his relationship with God. (I thought he was gonna say family, but my bad.) Anyway, he was talking about how he grew up during the war (my grandparents are both from Holland, moved over to Australia when they were 21 and 23), and how during that time churches were packed because the only thing people could do was pray and hope. Everything else was out of their control. He said that once you've had that feeling of helplessness, and once you've seen you're parents truly scared, you hold onto that forever. He was saying how during times of hardship, people turn to God and pray, but he said that you gotta do that during the times when everything is good too. He believes that we're put on earth, and he trusts God to make the right decision when it's time to leave the earth. I don't know what point this all has, maybe that hearing that from him, considering how sick he is, just hit me. Anyway, I went to bingo with Grandma on Saturday! I don't care what you say, bingo is awesome!! It's really funny, and I can't believe I'm gonna say this, it's slightly embarrassing. Not embarrassing cause something happened in front of people, embarrassing because I can't believe I react the way I do. I'll have my bingo booklet, and the caller will be calling the numbers, and I'll get down to around 2 numbers left. This particular game has been going a while, no ones called bingo yet, I could be in with a chance. Before you know it all I need is one number, and dude, by this time my heart is pounding!!! lol. I can feel it in my chest, just pounding away! Sometimes I think I'm probably more likely to suffer a heart attack before anyone else in the room. Then someone calls bingo and my heart can resume it's normal pace. But come on, it gets competitive!!! Grandma actually won the first game. And, what did she win you may be wondering? Toilet paper! Yes, exciting!! (There's a prize table at the back of the playing tables, one section if you win a line, another section if you win a full house. You get to choose your prize from the section of the game you won.) Anyway, Grandma won again later on. Twice she won a full house... I think. I know the second time definitely was. Anyway, the second time she won she let me choose something. I got Milo! lol. Then, luckily for me, I won a full house! I totally got a block of chocolate! lol So yes...This is my photo of proof!

Check out the one on the left... ah!