Friday, May 23, 2008


It's Friday! School's finished! Weekend!
Oh I've been waiting for this all week. Nothing's happening. Just sick of school. Just want to sit around and do nothing! No pressure! It feels good! As you might be able to tell from my over use of exclaimation marks!

I really wanna see Indiana Jones. Not a huge die-hard fan. I wasn't even born when they came out. I have seen them all though. And this one does have Shia LaBeouf in it. So that's good enough for me.

And I was told that Mountain Dew, possibly the greatest soft drink ever, was going to stop being made. Who told me this you may be wondering? My mother and my brother. And you wanna know something else. They were lying to me! How dare they?! When they told me, I actually started thinking to myself 'What kind of a world would we have without Mountain Dew?' Goodness gracious me!

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