Monday, January 17, 2011

University Offers

According to The Age website, I have been accepted into the Arts at Monash University, Clayton!

It's such a relief to know that I got into my first preference and that I actually have a position secured. Now I can rest easy knowing that I have something waiting for me in the future.

I'm really hoping that I can defer now and take up that position in 2012. Honestly, I have no idea how all this stuff works, so I think I'll have to ask around. From what I hear when the offer letter comes in the mail it should have all the details about that sort of thing. I'll just wait for that to arrive, then take it from there.

Although, I just checked on the Monash website about deferring your offer and it says:
"You may be able to defer for up to a year if your faculty agrees. To formally defer your offer you must apply to defer on or before the date specified for enrolment in your VTAC offer letter."

So I suppose that means I should be all set to defer my offer :)

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