Saturday, October 4, 2008

More Ranting

I'd like to know when it all ends. Or if it does end at all.
The constant seeking of approval from everyone. Or maybe that's not what it is. I don't know.
I'm tired of waking up in the morning and hating what I see in the mirror.
We've all felt it at some time. That apathetic feeling when you just don't care anymore.
Or you're standing there, staring, asking yourself 'why'?
Why do we feel that we have to be what everyone else wants us to be?
Altering our personalities to fit in.
Is it to impress the opposite sex? To make proud our parents, teachers and bosses?
To be accepted by our peers? To feel comfortable and wanted by our friends?
Or is it just so we can live with ourselves?
Everyone has something they want to change about themselves.
And we always tell ourselves 'I'll get around to it., just not now..', I just don't know what it is exactly that I'm waiting for.
I wish I knew.
I would like to end by saying that I'm going to change. I'm going to do something to change how I feel about myself.
But that's a lie. It's something I'd like to say. Not necessarily something that's going to happen.
Something, anything, give me motivation. Please.

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