Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Moon.. and other stuff

SO, I got New Moon the other day. Finished that in 2 days too. To be honest it wasn't as good as Twilight.
There was no where near enough involvement from Edward! And Jacob,, gosh he's starting to annoy me! But still., the last couple of chapters, probably 18 onwards, were awesome.!
So yes! And now I'm borrowing Eclipse from Emily.
Which brings me to 'other stuff'.
I have an oral presentation to do tomorrow in English. Which I'm dreading! Dude, I cried when I tried talking to the teacher about not doing it. I cried last year. I hyperventilate and go red AS! and completely freak out!
So this should be great.
So, in order for me to go ahead with this, mum has bribed me. Do the presentation, she'll buy Eclipse for me.
(She doesn't know I'm already reading it, and I feel really guilty.. So to make myself feel better I'm not reading that much until she buys it for me..)
But so far Eclipse is awesome!
And now I think I must go and do some stuff on this oral.. Argh!

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