Thursday, June 11, 2009

It seems to be the only one I remember!

That is, the only birthday i remember.
Today's Shia LaBeouf's birthday! Happy 23rd birthday!!

It's not that I forget everyone else's, even though that's the exact thing I renowned for doing, but I always seem to be on the computer when I remember Shia's. As opposed to Jared, Jensen and Rob. . . lol. Don't worry about me, I realise how pointless this post is.

Today I had the GAT too. Gosh, BORING! An essay on bees! An opinion piece on material possessions. And 70 multiple choice questions. Three hours of utter boredom! Not too mention how damn cold it was in the hall. Like, I don't think I can adequately describe the level of coldness in that place. Try to imagine sitting on ice in Antarctica during a snow storm, naked! That level of coldness doesn't even come close to what it was in the hall! I was actually shaking, involuntarily, because I was so cold. It was a painful cold too! My feet hurt like crazy, then I just stopped feeling all together! Then when it was over I was about to collapse. I was actually feeling dizzy and seeing stars. The GAT officially is a serious health hazard!

Anyways, I should try to get this RE assignment done. Seriously, RE? It's so stupid and boring and gah! A waste of my time!

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