Monday, July 19, 2010

Day Eighteen - The Person You Know That Is Going Through The Worst Of Times

Dear the person who I know is going through the worst of times,

It's so hard for me to watch you go through this. I feel so helpless, like there's nothing at all that I can do. I don't know what to say; I don't know what to do. I feel as if you're putting on a brave face for the world when inside you're really falling apart. You're such a strong person, and always have been! The horrors that have been thrown your way in the past 6 months would have had everyone else running away had it been them in your position; but that's not like you. You're the type of person that puts everyone else's needs before your own. Despite how you're feeling, you still soldier on and act like everything is okay. But what you've had to deal with, it's not okay. Behind closed doors and away from everyone else, I can't begin to understand how hard it must be for you. I mean, I know how much it hurt me, so I can only begin to imagine the impact this whole ordeal has had on you. And it seems to be never ending.. there's always forms to fill out, people to speak to, phone calls to make.. it really does feel as if it's going to go on forever! Realistically it will all wrap up eventually, but it really has dragged on for longer than necessary, only making the whole situation worse. I want nothing more than for things to back to the way they were before all of this happened, but that's just not possible; nothing will ever be the same again. I've heard you on the phone, had to listen to the aftermath of said phone calls, I've seen the way that your expression changes from time to time.. I hate seeing you like this, and I wish I knew what I could do to help. But like I said, you're strong! You have such a strong will and determination. You're surrounded by a loving family who will always be there for you no matter what. Together as one united front we can all move on; together we're invincible. I hate that this has happened to you, and all in such a short period too. But know that we are here for you, and we love you.


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