Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day Four - Your Dreams

Dear Dreams,

This could be taken in either one of two ways; dreams that come to you in your sleep or your aspirations for the future. So, let me touch on both.
Dreams to me are about your mind trying to make some sort of sense of the world. And, as crazy as that might seem, I think it works. Dreams tend to be outrageous at times and completely illogical - but perhaps that's the whole point. The world is a crazy and illogical place. Given that this is the case, how can we expect our minds to fully comprehend everything. If we expected that of ourselves, we'd all go insane. Dreams, to me, is our way of dealing with what we go through in everyday life. Whether they make complete sense and play out like some sort of movie, or whether they make no sense at all and leave us questioning our sanity when we wake up. Dreams are our way of processing; our mind taking the onslaught of information it's been presented with and trying to make do. However, not all dreams are good. But let's face it, the world isn't all good either. Not everything we face in our lives is all sunshine and rainbows; so much like the chaos in the world, our minds need to deal with the bad stuff too and try and make sense of it.
I for one am horrible at remembering dreams. I used to, but now I don't. (I blame my screwed up sleeping pattern!) But still, I wish I could remember what my mind presents me with each night.
As for my aspirations, if only I knew what they were. If I was to direct this letter to just my aspirations, I could go on forever about how much I just wish they would make an appearance in my life. Any type of indication that in the future I have something to strive for; because, without any aspirations, I'm kinda lost. I am currently going through life with no plan. No goals. No dreams. And, in all honesty, it scares me. I mean, what on earth am I doing? What the hell is my purpose here if I'm just going to bludge my way through life. I wish I had a plan. I wish I had goals. I wish I had a dream. But until that happens and by some miracle I'm struck by some amazing epiphany, I'm cruising on autopilot without a clue where I'm heading. And that is a very scary thought. So please, dreams, come to me!


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