Monday, July 19, 2010

Day Sixteen - Someone You Want To Give A Second Chance To

Dear someone I want to give a second chance to,

This is less of someone and more of an entire population, that population including you and me; the world. We all deserve a second chance, right? Well, apparently we all do. Sometimes it's difficult to "forgive and forget", I know I have trouble on the whole "forgetting" part of that.. but still, everyone deserves forgiveness, don't they? Honestly, I don't think they do; not everyone. If you make a mistake, you should learn to live with the consequences. Some mistakes are forgivable; others are not. If you happen to do something that is unforgivable, then don't expect anyone to give you a second chance. This doesn't mean you won't be given one though.. I said not to expect one, that doesn't necessarily mean that some generous person out there won't give you one.
The world is made up of billions of people, everyone being their own unique individual making their own contribution to the world. However, not all contributions are positive. I look around and I see chaos and destruction everywhere. We have countries at war for the most ridiculous reasons because everyone is too narrow-minded and ignorant to come to some agreement. There is violence between different races and cultures, sexes, age groups.. everywhere you look there is likely to be some form of conflict. We have people in our society that think that it's okay to target the more vulnerable. There are violent fights, beatings, stabbings, shootings.. on a less violent scale, but serious nonetheless, there's the typical insulting, name-calling and schoolyard bullying (which these days has started to involve the more serious types of violence). Since when is any of this okay? Who honestly thinks that it's nothing to be apart of such behaviour? Kids teasing other kids, parents taking discipline too far, husbands beating on their wives.. none of this is okay!! The sooner that everyone realises this then the better off we'll all be. Not only does this behaviour effect those involved, but it also affects society as a whole. We all witness the aftermath of these conflicts, we all have to try and work to put the pieces back together.. but regardless of how hard we try to build things back up, there is always going to be a number of people working equally as hard to tear everything back down! It doesn't matter how much time and effort you put into trying to make the word a better place, because evil is always going to exist! Humans are some of the most vile and malicious creatures on this earth, and unfortunately we find ourselves in a position of utmost power.
I want to give the world a second chance. I want to be able to say "hey, we've all made mistakes, let's try harder next time to make the right decision".. but the fact is, the world doesn't deserve a second chance, not in my eyes. History has proven this! We've had our chances to learn from the past, but time and time again we make the same stupid mistakes!! Until there comes a time when we do actually say to ourselves "somethings gotta change", then I refuse to forgive the world. I hope that one day I can but, for now, that's not happening.


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